Sunday, August 23, 2009

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Little girl; "but it looks as if we might get SOMEWHERE and that's a big relief anyhow. " "Which path shall we take?" inquired the Yellow Hen. Dorothy stared at the signs thoughtfully. "Bunbury sounds like something to eat " she said. "Let's go there. " "It's all the same to me " replied Billina. She had picked up enough bugs and insects from the moss as she went along to satisfy her own hunger but the hen knew Dorothy could not eat bugs; nor could Toto. The path to Bunbury seemed little traveled but it was distinct enough and ran through the trees in a zigzag course until it finally led them to an open space filled with the queerest houses Dorothy had ever seen. They were all made of crackers laid out in tiny squares and were of many pretty and ornamental shapes having balconies and porches with posts of bread-sticks and roofs shingled with wafer-crackers..
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